Therapists who understand trauma and its impact are better equipped for providing family-based interventions. 

We offer therapists behavioral tools and strategies to teach and coach the emotion-focused skills adults need to be attuned and responsive to children. By focusing on connection, emotional support, and effective coping, we help families develop resilience. The Let's Connect skills are helpful for all families, but are particularly important for children and families who have experienced extreme stress, adversity and trauma. We teach therapists how to integrate Let's Connect skills to enhance their work with families. Our research indicates that skillfully navigating intense feelings and challenging conversations can improve family treatment. 

We serve therapists, mental health professionals and care providers.

We teach therapists and care providers how to integrate our evidence-based tools into their contexts of care so that the adults they work with (parents, caregivers and other service providers) feel confident and are competent talking about any and all topics, including children's everyday experiences, common challenges families face, and even traumatic life events. We use a structured approach to help professionals build caregivers' capacity to provide emotional support and strengthen the adult-child connection while also addressing challenging child behaviors. 

Our evidence-based program is applicable to diverse therapeutic contexts. 

We teach therapists and mental health professionals how to integrate our evidence-based tools into family-based interventions across diverse therapeutic contexts.  The parents, caregivers and other service providers therapists work with will feel confident and become competent talking about any and all topics, including children’s everyday experiences, common challenges families face, and even traumatic life events. We use a structured approach to help therapists build caregivers’ capacities.  

STEP ONE: Professional Training (In-person) occurs in a workshop typically lasting 2.5 days.

  • We provide a comprehensive understanding of Let’s Connect as well as hands-on opportunities to practice the Let’s Connect strategies and skills. 
  • You will learn how to use live skills coaching in sessions with parents of children and adolescents. 
  • Our training is highly interactive, engaging, and results in professionals developing proficiency in the Let’s Connect skills.
  • We use video/audio excerpts from real cases, live-demonstrations, role play, and small group skills practice. 
  • Trainings are offered onsite at the Institute of Behavioral Sciences in Boulder, Colorado. 
  • Off-site trainings at your agency can be scheduled to accommodate larger groups and whole systems of care.

STEP TWO: Follow-up consultation calls typically includes 12 calls within 6 months.

  • We provide ongoing support for clinicians as they use the Let’s Connect strategies with clients to ensure effective implementation. 
  • Let’s Connect consultation groups typically have 7 to 10 clinicians working together to create a learning community that focuses on clinician cases and skills practice.
  • Consultation calls are web-based to facilitate live skills practice.
  • We offer other implementation supports including individual consultation and access to an electronic library of resources and useful tools for providers.  

Contact us to receive updates regarding our training calendar.